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2025 Board of Directors Applications are now closed.

Board Nomination & Election Process: Frequently Asked Questions

The ABoR Bylaws provide the complete detail of the nominating and board election process in addition to outlining the opportunity for members to propose additional candidates through a petition process.

Who are the ABoR and Unlock MLS Boards of Directors?

Our Board of Directors serves as the governing bodies of the Austin Board of REALTORS® and the Unlock MLS, representing over 18,000 real estate professionals across Central Texas and beyond. ABoR and the Unlock MLS Board members directly shape the policies and programs that help REALTORS® succeed on their own terms, in the most robust MLS marketplace in the region.

What are the eligibility requirements to serve on ABoR’s Board of Directors and how long can someone serve?
Members interested in applying for the Board of Directors must meet the following qualifications:

  • The applicant is currently a primary or secondary REALTOR® Member of the Austin Board of REALTORS®;
  • The applicant has been a primary or secondary REALTORS® member of ABoR for three (3) consecutive years within the five (5) years prior to the commencement of service;
  • The applicant is not a member of the Vetting Committee that nominates him or her;
  • The applicant has submitted to ABoR a written notice of willingness to serve; and
  • The applicant has taken the “REALTORS® Pledge” prior to commencement of service.

Directors are nominated to serve a 3-year term. They may serve up to two consecutive 3-year terms.

How can I apply to serve on the Board of Directors?
The Nominating Process officially launches on April 15, when ABoR publishes the positions to be filled and the candidate application. Applications must be submitted by May 31 to be considered.

How are candidates vetted by the Vetting Committee?
Each candidate submits an extensive application, including information about professional designations, professional references from within the real estate community, service to the industry by way of ABoR or a NAR affiliated real estate organization (ie. Women’s Council of REALTORS®), ABoR, TR, and NAR Committee Service. Professional references are vetted by members of the Vetting Committee, ethical and legal violations designations are checked on the TREC website and with TR and NAR. The candidates then participate in an interview with the Vetting Committee. This extensive process ensures the candidates moved forward are highly qualified leaders that represent a diverse set of members.

The Vetting Committee will nominate two persons to stand for election for each of the Director positions that will be open in the following year. If, after reasonable effort, the Vetting Committee is unable to recommend two candidates for each position, then it may nominate fewer candidates. The election slate will be announced to ABoR members no later than July 31.

Who is on the Vetting Committee and how are they chosen?
The Bylaws dictate that the Vetting Committee must consist of 7-9 REALTOR® Members. The committee must consist of two (2) sitting Directors and may not include the sitting President or Past President. The bylaws also indicate that the committee (including its chair) is appointed by the Board of Directors, excluding the sitting President and Past President.

What is the timeline and process for the Board of Directors Election?
The Board of Directors election will take place in September each year. Each primary and secondary REALTOR® member eligible to vote will be able to cast one vote for each of the open positions. The candidates with the highest number of votes shall be deemed the winners of the election.

If you’re not advanced by the Vetting Committee as a Board Candidate, how can you get on the ballot?
Following the report of the Vetting Committee to the membership before July 31, a member not nominated may add their name to the slate by filing a petition. The candidate must notify the CEO if they wish to file a petition. ABoR provides the Board-approved petition form and a current membership count to determine the number of signatures needed at that time. The petition must be signed by 1 percent of the membership with no more than 25 percent of the signatures from any one company. A petitioner may begin gathering signatures as early as June 1 that year. The petition and gathered signatures must be filed with the CEO no later than September 1.

When a seat on the Board of Directors is vacated, how and when is it filled?
The Bylaws indicate that “vacancies among the Officers and the Board of Directors may be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors". The term of any person elected as an at-large Director as a result of a vacancy shall continue until the next annual election.