Picture of Photo of Shirley Williams

Shirley Williams

Austin Board of Realtors
4800 Spicewood Springs Rd.
Austin, TX 78759

In order to be the best we can be for our members, Shirley fosters a supportive environment at ABoR by being a reliable, caring, and attentive human resources professional. As our Workforce Development and Diversity Specialist, she manages human resources responsibilities, training and development, and benefits programs for our 50+ staff. Shirley joined ABoR in 2000 and has served in various capacities during that time, including the Professional Development and Member Services departments.

Shirley is a Texas REALTORS® Leadership Program graduate, a member of Austin Association of Real Estate Brokers, and is working on her SHRM-CP certification. Staying connected with family is important to Shirley. Her life changed when she became “Mimi” to her twin grandsons, Mason and Easton, in 2019.